The 1 year Good to GREAT program includes all 6 segments that deep dive into all areas of your life. We take the time to learn all about your life, and where you want to go. We come up with a plan to get you there, and we work together to dissect, analyze and apply the plan for the best possible results. This program includes a 1 hour private session weekly, for 1 year. During our weekly sessions together, we will get clear on: Values top 10 Time management Desires - building the plan - losing weight, getting healthier, creating health plan, starting a business, learning a new skillset, building a portfolio, etc. Feelings, Emotions and Mind Management, learning what our daily thoughts are creating, changing the neuropath ways, working with parts Willpower vs Self discipline - understanding the difference. Self-discipline is an act of love, self respect, honouring ourselves, learning to trust ourselves Self Image - Style, makeup, skin, moving to your future self, master who you have always wanted to become and look the part Reiki - session Each member receives a full skincare consult and the recommended moisturizer and skincare/makeup plan for their own personal needs and style.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app